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Below you can find details of sexual offences that you can report to us online. Please click on the title of the incident to be taken to the reporting form.

Related forms

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

To report child sexual exploitation (CSE) which is a type of sexual abuse. Children who are in exploitative situations and relationships receive gifts or affection, in exchange for performing sexual acts or having them performed on them.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

To report FGM which is a collective term (also known as genital cutting and female circumcision) for all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or non-medical reasons.


To report grooming, which is when a person builds a relationship with a child, young person or a vulnerable adult so they can abuse and manipulate them.

Indecent Exposure

To report indecent exposure, which is when a person intentionally exposes their genitals in an attempt to cause alarm or distress to another.

Indecent Images

To report receiving, seeing or knowing of someone in possession of indecent images.

Rape / Sexual Assault & Sexual Offences

To report sexual offences such as rape, sexual assault/touching and sexual abuse (recent and non-current)

Revenge Porn (disclosing private photos/videos)

To report revenge porn (disclosing private photos/videos) which is the malicious sharing or threat of sharing intimate photos/videos of another person.